Sunday, 5 December 2010

Estate Agents Fees

Do you actually know how much it will cost to sell your property by using an estate agent?  A recent survey carried out by online estate agents showed 32% though estate agents charged 1.5%, 45%thought 1% while  12% though 2% and 11% though something different.

In the same survey a whopping 68% thought estate agents actually charged too much.  One other question asked 104 recent buyers of property if they had actually walked into the estate agents office that sold them the property.  Only 4 of these buyers ever visited the office that was selling the property they bought.  Well known statistics show over 90% of buyers looking to buy property use the internet as their first starting place.  So if no one actually walks into high street estate agents these days, do estate agents need to be there?

More and more estate agents seem to be moving their operations online and taking their office off the high street and you can understand why.  An average shop on a UK high street can easily cost over £100,000 per annum in rent and rates alone.  Add on top of that staff wage, cars, etc a high street office can cost £300,000 to run.  So a high street agent has to pull in £300,000 just to break even. 

You have to remember that English and Scottish estate agent work on a different basis.  The vast majority of English estate agents carry out all the viewings on all the properties they are selling, while in Scotland an estimated 85% of sellers do the viewings.  Estate Agents in England tend to charge more that their Scottish counterparts but as they probably do more work that is understandable.  Certainly in England online estate agency has taken off more rapidly than in Scotland.

So if 90% of buyers look online first if very few buyers ever visit an estate agency office, why do we need agents on every high street?  Some established estate agents in Scotland are now moving off the high street and online like  Traditional estate agents will argue that they have the local knowledge and have a large list of local buyers.  But if this was the case they would sell every property in under a week and we know they don’t.  Having a high street office is now really a costly marketing tool and this means estate agency fees on the high street will still average about £2,000.  Online agents by and large make a one off charge of hundreds of pounds and this is paid upfront.

What about private for sale websites that you can sell your property for free on?  Probably the best known is Channel 4 property Guru Sarah Beeney’s website topilo and this has thousands of private seller’s properties on it.  There are many more out there.  The issue here is as these sites are free there is no marketing budget to advertise their sites and they remain very much anonymous amongst property buyers out there.  If the public have never heard of your site they will  never visit it and therefore the private seller will  not sell their property.

The arrival of the major property portals like rightmove, prime location and zoopla who between them have over 2 million properties for sale, means that they can spend a million pounds on brand awareness.  They make sure the public know their websites are the places to look for property in the UK.  These websites are only open to estate agents, so private sites are not able to advertise on them.  Online estate agents and traditional high street agents spend thousands of pounds advertising with portals.

So will online estate agents conquer the world or will high street agents continue to have 95% of the market?  Certainly there is more awareness of online estate agents and in Scotland Home report providers like are also moving online to lower costs. 

Thursday, 2 December 2010

Home Reports

Writing this on the 2nd December 2010. Two years have now passed and as Online Estate Agents we would like to share our opinion as to whether Home Reports have been a success or failure.  To found out more on Home Reports visit our website at

Lets look at the reasons for introducing them.  Stewart Maxwell (by the way Mr Maxwell actually attended my wedding - this was the first time I met him) a SNP member of the Scottish Parliament raised a private members bill for there introduction, which was passed by MSP's.  In my view they were introduced for two reasons

1)  To give buyers a clear picture of what they were buying.  Might sound simple but as most buyers only obtained a mortgage valuation when buying property, this survey was limited.  Very few people instructed a Scheme 2 survey. this survey gave a full view of the condition of a property prior to purchase.  So this could only be a good thing for the buyer.

2)  To stop multiple surveys.  In the Scottish market prior to the slow down, offers over was commonplace.  If you wanted £200K for your property price it at offers over £180K and see what happens.  Some areas would mean you paid 10% over the asking normally but others e.g. Glasgow West End or say Newton Mearns 40% was not uncommon.  Estate Agents would have several closing dates where buyers would make a sealed bid.  The most bids at a closing date I saw was 45 offers and each one of the offers had carried out a survey or at least paid for a transcript of another bidders.  So you could have paid £500 and missed out on a property.  Now multiply this by 3,4,5 or in some cased more.....

So has the introduction of Home Reports dealt with the above two issues?  The Scottish Government seem to think so.   I will steal a few facts from their interim report

60% of buyers found them useful
20% found the Energy Performance Certificate (EPC) and questionnaire useful
150,000 home reports had been carried

One of the real interesting facts was about what sellers paid.......

32 per cent of sellers paid less than 300 pounds and 45 per cent paid between 300 pounds and 500 pounds. For properties usually at the top end of the market, 18 per cent paid between 500 pounds and 800 pounds.

I think this is flawed info.  With most High Street Estate Agents charging a minimum of £350 I believe the figure of 32% who paid less that £300 should be nearer 10%.  It is still possible to get Cheap Home Reports from companies like who are like ourselves internet based and therefore can lower the cost.

Lets look at issue 1 - Buyers be aware

The Home Report details the condition of the property.  All the surveys are carried out by RICS qualified surveyors who detail things such as condition of the roof, guttering, dampness issues, structural flaws, walls, floors, joinery, electricity, gas etc etc etc.  These are then graded 1-3 and comments noted beside them.  In a lot of cases (in fact in many many cases) surveyors caveat their responses by saying "We found something that may be an issue but suggest you get a qualified person to look at it".  But at least this is a warning not all is well.

So yes this is good news for the buyer as they can see if their is any major issues before a purchase.  But be aware of the grading.  We sold two flats in the one close recently and two completely sets of answers from two different surveyors came out.  Surveyor A gave the roof a 2 and noted a few bits on pieces of damage but gave the close a 1 and no mention of dampness.  Whereas Surveyor B gave the roof a 1 and never noted anything but gave the close a 2 and mention dampness.  Same close two different replies??

Issue 2 multiple surveys

This has probably been negated by the crash anyway as very few properties now go to closing dates.  So potential buyers get the home report free of charge and decide what they want to pay.  As the Home Report contains a valuation, very few buyers pay over the valuation, in fact a very high percentage negotiate prices under the home report valuation.

The Scottish Government noted yesterday that in 30% of sales a further survey was required.  This could be for two reasons, the home report provider is not on the banks lending panel (all lenders have a list of surveyors they trust to provide surveys - if you are not on their panel they will not lend you money on the basis of that surveyor) and therefore they will instruct their own.  Who pays for this other survey?  I have found it is split equally between the banks, seller and the buyer. 

What about the refresh survey?  Even if a survey is carried out by a surveyor on a banks panel if the report is over 3 months old, they will not accept and the sellers needs to get a refresh done.  This involves the surveyor returning to the property and doing a quick update.  The bad news is the seller has to fork out another £100 plus vat....

So have they been worth all the cost and hassle to sellers?


For an estate agent they have probably been a good thing.  I remember not so long ago when you visit a property and the value is £100K before you walk in the door.  You have just sold 5 similar properties all for this figure and the owner thinks their property is worth £120K because their garden is 3 feet bigger!!!  Remember these days?  Now a surveyor today would value it at £100K on the Home report and the seller is therefore more realistic in their expectations.  Job done.  Who needs a valuer these days?

It must also be a good thing for the buyer and seller that issues about their property are raised at the start of the process.  We have found many sellers who see issues on their home report and carry out repairs before putting their property on the market.  From a buyers point of view, you have the confidence that the property you have bought is not falling down.

On the cost side two things are happening, as new entrants come to the market the major Scottish surveyors may have to reduce their prices as internet start ups continue to gain market share.  The banks need to start accepting reports at least 6 months old as well or what is the point in having a valuation on the report?

The EPC no one understands either, just a document with some numbers and pretty graphs, but it is EU policy so they are here to stay....

So from the view of a good thing with some minor issues.  However, with the Scottish Elections in 2011 will they be here for good?